Greetings and welcome to our Blanco Resume & Portfolio WordPress Theme. I'm CreaboxThemes and I'd like to thank you for purchasing one of my products, your support is much appreciated.

Please drop me a line and let me know what you think about this template, if you have any suggestions for improvements or extra features, or if there's something you don't like.

I count on your help to constantly improve the quality of my products and bring more value to you, and all my other customers


With ThemeForest regular license you are licensed to use this theme to create one single End Product (the final website customized with your content) for yourself or for one client.

What is allowed with the single regular license:

  1. You can create 1 website (on a single domain) for yourself or for your client. You can then transfer that website to your client for any fee. In that case, the license is also transferred to your client.
  2. You can install the theme on your test server for testing/development purposes (this installation should not be available to the public).
  3. You can modify or manipulate the theme, you can combine it with other works to create the End Product.
  4. The theme updates for the single End Product (website) are free.

What is not allowed:

  1. With a single regular license you are not allowed to create multiple websites. For multiple websites you will need multiple regular licenses.
  2. To resell the same website (Single End Product) to another clients. You will need to purchase an extended license for this.

For more information regarding license regulations and policies, see the links below:

PSD Files & Images

IMPORTANT! We do not include theme-related .PSD files into the theme package, because it significantly increases the theme archive size. You will get all images and clip arts while importing demo.

Bundled Plug-ins

The theme package contains a number of bundled plug-ins. Please click here to view the list of plug-ins that come included into the theme.

If a new version of a bundled plug-in is available, it will be included in the next theme's release. You can also request it by submitting a support ticket.

Bundled plug-ins are fully functional without the activation using a registration license key. In case you are willing to receive automatic updates and support from the plug-in team, you will need to purchase the plug-in separately. Only the direct buyers get the plug-in license key.

WordPress Information

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. Below are some useful links regarding WordPress information.

Theme Requirements

To use this theme you must be running at least WordPress 4.9, PHP 5.6, mysql 5 or higher. If you use a hosting service with limited resources (e.g. GoDaddy!), you may experience issues with the "one-click" demo data installation.

If you are running unmanaged dedicated server or VPS, you should check your php.ini file. Alternatively, you can edit .htaccess file in the root of your website and add the following values:

  • php_value max_execution_time 600
  • php_value memory_limit 128M
  • php_value post_max_size 32M
  • php_value upload_max_filesize 32M

Included Files

After downloading the theme package, un-zip it. Inside the package you will find the following folders:

  • 01 - Theme: the folder "blanco" with the theme and the zip file "" ready to upload.
  • 02 - Child Theme: use it if you want to customize or tweak Blanco theme.
  • 03 - Documentation: the link to this url.
  • 04 - Plugins documentation: the documentation of the plugins "Verde".

Installation Options

There are two options to install the theme, via FTP or via WordPress admin panel uploading the file "". Following are explained both options:

  • Via FTP:
    1. Log into your web server with FTP client software.
    2. Unzip the file and ONLY use the extracted /blanco theme folder.
    3. Upload the extracted blanco theme folder into /wp-content/themes.
    4. Navigate to the Appearance > Themes tab and activate the theme.

      PLEASE NOTE! Ensure you are uploading the un-zipped theme folder, not the entire package downloaded.

  • Via WordPress admin panel:
    1. Log into the WordPress admin panel.
    2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes and click on Add New and Upload Theme.
    3. Select the folder and click Install Now button.
    4. After the successful installation, click on Activate or navigate to the Appearance > Themes and click on Activate button to activate the newly installed theme.

Import Demo Data

If you have installed and activated the theme, so install and activate the plugins necessary, and then go to the page Appearance > Import Demo Data.

There, use the option "Import Demo Data" and wait several minutes since the content has been imported. Once, the process is finished, all the demo will have been imported.

Blanco brings several options to customize the desing. All of theme are in the page Theme Settings.


In this panel, there are the next options to set up:

  • Custom favicon: this option only works in the WordPress version previous to 4.3. If not, you can add the favicon image from the page Appearance > Customize > Site Identity.
  • Apple touch icon: this option only works in the WordPress version previous to 4.3. If not, you can add the favicon image from the page Appearance > Customize > Site Identity.
Color selection

There are two kind of color scheme, light and dark. In this panel, it can be set up the main color, secondary color, background color and accent color, for each one.


Here it is possible to choose the fonts for the main content and headings.


In this panel, there are the next options to set up:

  • Enable/disable the loader option
  • Scheme color
  • Enable/disable the progress bar
  • Enable/disable the percentage
  • Upload an image for the logo

The options to set up are the next:

  • Scheme color
  • Upload an image for the logo
  • Enable/disable the social links

It is possible to configure the next options:

  • Scheme color
  • Enable or not the footer info:
    • Select the number of columns to display
    • Choose the icon for the columns
    • Type the text of the columns
  • Enable/disable the social links
  • Type the text of the copyright
  • Enable/disable the button to go to the top of the page

In this panel, there are the next options to set up:

  • Scheme color
  • Upload an image for the header of the archive and search pages
  • Enable/disable the social links

The options to set up are the next:

  • Scheme color
  • Upload an image for the header of the archive and search pages
  • Enable or not the sidebar
  • Select the position of the sidebar
  • Enable/disable the like button
  • Enable/disable the social share icons
  • Enable/disable the author info
  • Enable/disable the related posts
  • Enable/disable the previous and next post
  • Enable/disable the footer widgets

Options to import and export the theme settings and restore the default.

Blanco brings the options to create its own sliders for the pages, portfolio items and a new page where type the social links.


There is the option to create slides and add them to the pages. For that, there is a menu option called CB Slider where creating the slides.

When you add a new slider, there are the next options:

  • The kind of background: a video or image
  • If you choose an image the options are:
    • Upload the image
    • Choose the background repeat style: cover or contain
  • If you choose a video the options are:
    • Upload the video in different format: mp4, webm and ogg
    • Upload an image to replace the video in mobile and tablet devices
    • Choose the video ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
    • Enable/disable sound options
  • Color scheme
  • Type the text to display. If you want to display a text rotator, you have to type the content in different lines. It is not possible to add any html tag except <br>, that is used to add a line break.
  • Type the text rotation interval (ms)
  • Choose the animation to show the text

To add the slides into a page, it is the panel Page options when you are creating a page. In this panel, there are the next options:

  • Enable/disable the slider section
  • Upload an logo image
  • Select the slides to include in the slider
  • Choose the background overlay style: black, dotted or none
  • Type the interval time between slider
  • Enable/disable the button to go down to the next section after the slider
  • Enable/disable the parallax style to the slider

Social Icons

The theme Blanco has a new page to add social share links. The page is accessible through the menu CB Social Icons.
The icons will only be displayed if their field is not empty.


Blanco works perfectly with the plugin "Vafpress Portfolio". This plugin, allow add portfolio items and its categories.

There is the possibility to custom the items with "WPBakery Page Builder". In this case, it has to be checked the first option "Enable Custom Layout" in the panel options, and make sure it has already checked "portfolio" post type in WPBakery Page Builder > Role Manager.

But if it is not used the "WPBakery Page Builder" editor, the default template has the options explained following.

General options

From this panel located at the bottom, there are the next options:

  • Enable/disable the custom layout with WPBakery Page Builder.
  • Choose the style for the images layout: default, tiled or slider.
  • Select if the item is highlighted or not. This option only works in the "Blog grid" element of "WPBakery Page Builder".
  • Type a small description of the item. This option only works in the "Blog grid" element of "WPBakery Page Builder".
Portfolio data

This panel is used to add the information of the portfolio item. It is possible to add the title and content of each information.

Portfolio medias

In this panel there is the option to add all the images you want or a video.

Featured image

The featured image option is only used as image fo an item in the "Blog grid" element of "WPBakery Page Builder".

Blanco works perfectly with the incredible plugin WPBakery Page Builder. There are several custom elements with a lot of options:


It has been included a new feature in the row default options, the color scheme. It be able to choose among light or dark. When you include a row inside other row, there is a new option 'Width container', to give to the row inner a width boxed.

About me info

This custom element is used to show user information. Create all the labels you want and type its content, and select the css animation and add an extra class.

Blog grid

It used to show the last blog posts into a grid. The options are:

  • Number of items
  • Enable or not the pagination
  • Show specified categories
  • Number of columns
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Experience accordion

This element displays an accordion element when it is possible to add the experience. The options are the next:

  • Passed time
  • Job
  • Company
  • Text
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class

This custom map has the next options.

  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Map height
  • Zoom
  • Image for the mark in the map
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class

The options of this element are the next:

  • Select the style of the heading
  • Choose an icon
  • Small heading
  • Large heading
  • Text alignment
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Team member

Add the info of a member of your team. The options are the next:

  • Text alignment
  • The image of the member
  • Personal info like the name, job, phone and email
  • Social links like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Price table

Show the prices and features of your plans with the next options:

  • Text alignment
  • The title of the table
  • The price and currency
  • A subtitle below the price
  • The features of the plan
  • Enable/disable a button to link other page
  • The text and link of the button
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Portfolio grid

It is used to show the last portfolio items into a grid. The options are:

  • Number of items
  • Enable/disable the category filter
  • Show specified categories
  • A subtitle below the price
  • Enable/disable the pagination
  • Number of columns
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class

Use this option to show a count. The options are the next:

  • Text alignment
  • Caption name
  • Start number of the counter
  • End number of the counter
  • Enable/disable decimals and how many
  • An icon of the library Fontawesome
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Progress bar

It is possible to add a progress bar element. The options are the next:

  • The progress bar style: circular or linear
  • Caption name
  • Value of the percentage
  • Custom color for the progress bar
  • Background color for the progress bar
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Quotes carousel

This element allows to display different testimonials. It is possible add the text and its author. The options of the carrousel are the next:

  • Create the list of quotes
  • The duration of the rotate (ms)
  • Text alignment
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Service block

The options of this element are the next:

  • Heading text
  • The style: horizontal or vertical
  • Text alignment
  • Choose an icon to show
  • The text content
  • CSS animation
  • Add an extra class
Twitter feed

With this element, it is possible to show the last tweets of your account. It is necessary to add a shortcode of the plugin 'Rotating Tweets'. It has the options of choose the animation css and add an extra class.

Blanco brings some custom widgets. They are explained next.

About me

Widget to show information and talk about you. It can be upload an image, type the name and a description.

Facebook like box

Widget to show a Facebook like box of the account you want. There are several options.

Icon list

Widget to create a list of elements with icon and text each one. There are the option to add a title and the content. For the content, the list has to be created in the next way: each element separates with a line break and the icon has to be typed with the code and prefix die from the FontAwesome page.

Widget to show the social icon links set up in the plugin CB Social Icons.

This theme needs some plugins to work perfectly. Between all of them, the most important without including WPBakery Page Builder are the next.

  • Contact Form 7:

    Blanco works perfectly with the great plugin "Contact Form 7". This plugin allows to create a contact form.
    If you have imported the demo site, you will see two contact form created, a form called 'Contact form' to include it in a page, and other form called 'Contact form widget' to include it in the blog sidebar.
    Following it can check the code of the first form:

    <div class="col-md-6">
    [text* Name placeholder="NAME"]

    <div class="col-md-6">
    [email* Email placeholder="EMAIL"]

    <div class="col-md-12">
    [textarea Message 3x4 placeholder="MESSAGE"]

    <div class="col-md-12 elements-center">
    [submit "Send"]
    And the code for the sidebar form is the next:
    [text* Name placeholder="NAME"]
    [email* Email placeholder="EMAIL"]
    [textarea Message 3x4 placeholder="MESSAGE"]
    [submit "SEND"]
  • Verde - Minimal Coming Soon Plugin: this plugin is very useful to create a coming soon page meanwhile the main website is been designed.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. Please contact me via my author contact form. I'll do my best to assist you!

IMPORTANT! Please, if you like the theme I'll be very grateful if you could rate it.